Our open mornings for Admissions in September 2025 are now available. Call or email the office to book your visit.

Pupil Leadership

We introduce pupil leadership roles as we want our school to be the kind of school that everyone enjoys coming to, where everyone knows and understands each other. We want it to be a cheerful place, where we look after everyone.

Leading Lights

The Leading Lights are a group of Year 5 children who are ambassadors for the school through their contribution to Collective Worship and support of our Christian values.

The children work through a programme to encourage them to take part in the school’s collective worship in a practical leadership role. This increases as children progress through each level. The core purpose of the Leading Lights programme is to develop children as leaders of worship, rather than simply as participants. It aims to give children increased ownership, to give them more informed choice in the elements of worship, as well as developing their confidence in being leaders during the act of worship itself and developing their own knowledge and skill set.​

This includes:

  • ​Lighting the candle
  • Giving the greeting
  • Announcing the song
  • Writing and leading the prayers and reflections
  • Bible readings
  • Planning and offering drama
  • Write and deliver (with adult support) acts of worship about charities and events e.g. Christian Aid Week
  • Designing and arranging the physical focus
  • Sending out or leading the blessing

Being a Leading Light is a privilege, but also a responsibility. Our Leading Lights are good role models in all aspects of school life as well as Collective Worship.

To find out more about our Collective Worship, please visit our Christian Distinctiveness Page.

Trust Student Voice

At Aletheia Academies Trust, we all understand the importance of getting all pupils involved in the direction of the schools and how students can be an instrument to affect positive change in our school communities. Bi-monthly a number of school councils from each school get together to discuss what individual schools have done recently, to plan what they want to achieve in Student Voice for next year and ways to ensure the group is feeding into the Trust to have an impact on the overall development.

To find out more about our Student Voice, please visit the Trust website here