Here you will find the reports from our last OFSTED & SIAMS inspections.
To see our current Key Stage Results, please visit the Key Stage Results page.
“Pupils are happy and thrive in this trusting and caring environment.” – OFSTED 2020
Sutton-at-Hone was pleased to receive a ‘GOOD’ rating from OFSTED after an inspection that took place in March 2020.
The outcome highlights the quality of Sutton-at-Hone CofE Primary School’s offering:
- Pupils are proud of their school, their own achievements and those of others.
- There are very positive relationships between pupils and with adults. Pupils work and play exceptionally well together.
- Sutton-at-Hone provides a good quality education and pupils achieve well.
- Pupils read often and enjoy listening to stories. Children in Reception Year and Year 6 pupils enjoy learning together as reading buddies.
- Leaders ensure that pupils’ safety and welfare have high priority. Staff are well trained.
- Leaders provide many opportunities for pupils to enhance their learning and excel in a range of skills.
In September 2023 we had our Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS). The Inspection was overwhelmingly positive and as a school we are so proud to be living up to our foundation as a Church school, and enabling pupils and adults to flourish.
- The school’s Christian vision is transformational and underpins everything the school does. School leaders, governors and trust leaders are committed to ensuring that ‘no child is left behind’.
- Collective worship is an inspirational time of spiritual flourishing, with the school vision at the heart of it.
- The school is a family that treats its members well. They take their responsibility of ‘taking care of each other’ seriously as this helps everyone in their ‘striving to be the best.’
- Pupils, even as young as those in the early years, are inquisitive and thoughtful and engage with big questions in an insightful way.
For a copy of the full report please see below.