Attendance is mandatory for all pupils of compulsory school age. However, Sutton-at-Hone will provide remote education to pupils in circumstances when in-person attendance is either not possible or contrary to government guidance.
Remote Learning Implementation
Should there be a need for our pupils to receive remote education, children and families will be able to use Google Classroom. This online classroom will enable a line of communication between class teachers, supporting adults and pupils, and will be a platform to provide access to learning opportunities such as resources, quizzes, writing activities, learning, and recorded or live-streamed lessons to ensure pupils and families are supported with learning remotely. We aim for our remote education offering to be as engaging and challenging as possible, with the necessary resources and support in place to move forward. Children will also have access to the range of learning websites they already use in school, including Accelerated Reader and Times Tables Rock Stars. Class Dojo will continue to be accessed by teachers as a line of communication between the school and families, alongside ongoing communication via Arbor and regular calls between staff members and families to offer ongoing support.
We recognise that some pupils, for example, pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), may not be able to access remote education without support from adults at home. We acknowledge the difficulties this may place on families, and we will work with parents and carers to support those pupils. If pupils with SEND are not able to attend school and require remote education, teachers are best placed to know how their needs can most effectively be met to ensure that they continue to access the curriculum. An appropriate curriculum, teaching, and support will be put in place that will enable the pupil to continue learning effectively. We will work collaboratively with families and put arrangements in place that allow pupils with SEND to access remote education successfully. If there are barriers to the school delivering remotely the kind of approach that we would in the classroom, for example, the provision of certain differentiated resources and the support of a Teaching Assistant, we will work in cooperation with families to find other ways to achieve this.
Pupil Progress
Teachers will use quizzes or tests on core content as a regular feature, asking pupils to complete these in a specified time and then send them back. Using the features of a multi-functional platform, teachers can create regular, pre and post-lesson quizzes, using Kahoot and Google Forms. Teachers will also mark all work returned during the school day and give feedback including asking children to correct mistakes or edit work.
Supporting Pupils with SEND
Teachers will differentiate appropriately for pupils with SEND. The support of adults in the home will be a significant advantage where this is possible. Teaching Assistants will also support pupils with SEND by identifying and resourcing parts of the Personalised Provision plan and any additional therapy plans that can be completed at home.